Benefits of Organic Food

Food as it should be, and food you can trust

With more of us seeking solutions to help restore nature, health and a safe climate, becoming part of the organic movement this year can help make a world of difference. 

What is organic food?

Organic farming can be defined by the proactive, ecological management strategies that maintain and enhance soil fertility, prevent soil erosion, promote and enhance biological diversity, and minimize risk to human and animal health and natural resources.

5 Main Reasons to Choose Organic Food

  1. Organic food contains more nutrients
  2. Organic food is free from harmful additives
  3. Organic food has no carcinogenic pesticides
  4. Organic farming keeps our earth and water pure
  5. Organic farming protects our eco-systems

Organic Certification 

Organic farmers have to legally comply to a strict set of standards and EU regulations, to ensure that their farms sustain the health of soils, ecosystems and people. Certification is legally required to grow, process or market organic products, and all organic farms and companies are inspected by a certification body, at least once a year.

Jurgensburg products are certified organic, so we ensure that we give back only organic nutrients, fertilizers, so that land is rich and nutritious. When you see the organic logo you can trust that the food and drink you buy has been made in a way that is better for people, animals and wildlife, and respects the natural environment. When purchasing Jurgensburg products you can be sure that you are making an environmentally friendly choice. 

5 Health Benefits of Gluten Free-Diet

Gluten Free diet is growing in popularity among people without Celiac disease and there is a reason behind it.

A study found that a low-gluten diet improved the participants’ gut microbiome, increased energy levels, reduced bloating and resulted in a healthy weight loss. A small change such as switching to Gluten-Free flour can be your first step in improving your digestive system.  

Prof. Pedersen and colleagues carried out a randomized trial of 60 healthy Danish adults aged between 22 and 65 years old who did not have celiac disease, diabetes, or any other disorders. The participants adhered to an 8-week-long low-gluten diet and an 8-week-long high-gluten diet. The two diets were similar regarding the number of calories and the quality of the nutrients they contained. 

  • Improves Digestive Health 

The researchers think the digestive changes, such as reduced bloating, are caused by the alterations in gut bacteria and function. The inflammatory effects of gluten can cause major stomach bloating, gas and digestive issues. Gluten-free diet will help with bloating.

  • Reduces depression 

Gluten causes intestinal dysbiosis, a condition in which the gut bacteria are out of balance. Gut bacteria can certainly impact mood — so much that our gut is sometimes dubbed our second brain.

  • Boosts energy 

Consuming gluten products damages their intestines which in turn impairs the absorption of several nutrients including iron which can lead to fatigue. Try these recipes to include in your gluten-free diet that will increase your energy. 

  • Promotes healthy weight loss

A gluten-free diet leads to eating more fruits, vegetables, and healthier foods. A gluten-free diet means a lot of fast food and junk food items are off the menu.

  • Improved skin condition

Because gluten, which is mostly found in processed foods, causes many of the contributing factors that can lead to not only acne, but many other chronic skin conditions.

Prof. Pedersen further details the findings, saying, “We demonstrate that, in comparison with a high-gluten diet, a low-gluten, fiber-rich diet induces changes in the structure and function of the complex intestinal ecosystem of bacteria, reduces hydrogen exhalation, and leads to improvements in self-reported bloating.”

“Moreover, we observed a modest weight loss, likely due to increased body combustion triggered by the altered gut bacterial functions,” the leading researcher adds.

While a gluten-free diet is restricting, there are plenty of healthy and delicious options such as Jurgensburg products that provide a tasty alternative for commonly used wheat flour. Most of the recipes containing wheat or other gluten filled grains can be easily substituted with Brown Pea or Fava Bean flour. Another benefit – they are loaded with a good amount of plant-based protein.

Find Gluten-Free recipes here to try out with Jurgensburg Fava Bean and Brown Pea flours.

A nutrient-rich option

Legums unlike red meat don’t contain much saturated fat. Saturated fat in high amounts may contribute to cardiovascular disease.

But legumes are a great choice based not only on that they are low on saturated fat, but also what they contain. Legumes are a good source of plant protein — half a cup of cooked beans provides between 6 and 9 grams — and they’re packed with other nutrients, such as folate, calcium, potassium, B vitamin, zinc, and antioxidants.

They also contain lots of fiber, which can help you avoid constipation and may reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

How to make the change?

Gradually bring into your diet plant protein, switch your every 3rd meat dish to legume based dish, you will be surprised how tasty and satisfying these dishes could be.
Try some of the great Jurgensburg recipes we have provided for you to try.